CarlinKit Android Auto Box – UHD CPC200-Tbox Demo

This little android box lets you watch movies and unlock the full app store on your vehicles infotainment screen. It should work on any car with wired android auto support. I do not recommend using this in full android mode while driving, and most states I assume have laws supporting that recommendation you should be aware of before using. I paid for this item with no contact/affiliation from the brand.

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The reason I couldn’t get apple car play to load was because it is a setting that is determined before turning on the device. In this demo it was set on Android 13 boot mode. It also has android auto and apple car play modes. Item Name: Wireless CarPlay Adapter for iPhone & Android Phone 3 in 1 Carlinkit Ai Box. Android 13.0/Wireless Android Auto/Wireless CarPlay, Quick Connection Bluetooth CarPlay Adapter – CPC200-Tbox Carlinkit car link kit


what’s up YouTube I have the carlink kitUHD Android system box here I’ve got theUHD Model cpc2 200- T boxhere this thing is a small Androidcomputer that runs off the Android autosystem in vehicles this is a 2024 Subarusutera here electriccar one of the reasons you might want abox like this is because the Androidauto store is stripped of any kind oflike uh video playing app and in anelectric car It’s Not Unusual to park itand want to be able to watch videos saywhile you’re at a fast charger kids insports uh or recently I had a we were atthe pumpkin patch and my son wasoverheating so we put the AC on and lethim watch some SpongeBob while he cooleddown plus it’s a nice screen in this carand and I’ve got the upgraded stereohere the Harmon Carden and it soundspretty awesome especially with thesubwoofer in the back so I’m just goingto give a quick overview of how I’vebeen using this box and maybe some ofthe issal will show up here and if notI’ll kind of describe them sure so firstoff data SIM card in here um I supposeyou could connect to your phone throughmobile data um it does have Wi-Fi builtin I’m using a Google F SIM card becausewhen you have a Google fi cell phoneplan their Premium plan comes with fourdata Sims that you can pop into otherdevices like tablets and uh boxes likethis so actually what I should do isunplugit and wait a second let me plug it backin and just kind of show how long ittakes to boot upwe’ll know when an icon pops up overhere so here wego okay we’re booted up I gave it a fewseconds to stabilizethisis how responsive and how muchperformance we’re going to get out ofit just a little bitdelayed uh let’s do a speed test rightoff normally in this area on my cellphone if I turn 5G off and just switchstick to 4G I got four out of five barshere and actually what I’m going to dois take this out of this qi charger areacuz I think that seems to lead todisconnects and power uh disconnect inthedata let’s see on my cell phone I’dprobably be getting about 80 megabitshere this device I’m getting about20 I tested on Wi-Fi I’ve got an accesspoint in my garage so it was ly of sightwhile I was parked in the garage and themost I could get out of it was 30megabitsand about one megabit upload speed whichisn’t tooimportantokay let’s see so the primary use forthis for me is Media uh I’ve got a 256GB SD card in there and I’ve got it fullof a bunch of different movies and TVshows VC player seems to be the best appforthat you see you hear how fast a moviestarts when you select[Music]it oh by theway I think I forgot to mention it butthis is a very buggy device and I thinka lot of it’s related to the performanceso I’m going to not cut out any issues Ihave um that speed test app for examplethat one usually fails to complete I waskind of surprised I actually got aresult out of ithere so we froze can I just hit play yep[Music]and you can scrub forward and backwards[Music]easily can go back switch to a differentmovie good this is all so great love ithere do you have to be a little patientwith it like when you touch somethingyou got to make sure you give it a solidtouch hold onit’s kind of cool on the screen on thiscar is very wide if you have a uh verywide aspect ratio movie it will use theentire screen versus like trolls here isalmost using all of it or let me go backtouh I want to say the SpongeBobs areprobably not widescreen aswide okay another issue another bugthis is uh I’m going to turn this downso I don’t get any kind of copyrightanything but when this happens whichhappens pretty frequently I haven’tfound any way to get around it so I haveto unplug it andrestart I might skip this bootup all right we’re back I’m assuming Icut out that houh reboot there for thefreezing let me go back to that videoand make sure itworks if that’s the exact one or notbut looks like we’re Frozenagain audio but no videoso I’ll be right back again okay we’reback after that second crash um I stillI want to know that VLC player is likeworking again let metry another moviehere does it just not like theSpongeBobs let me try one more timenow we’reback it’s just buggy and I think a lotof it’s related to the performance onthis the processor being too slow uhlet’s see we got YouTube music on hereit will play music videos if you’re on avideo on a song that has a videoavailable YouTube music app seems to bepretty Snappy and reliableuh let’s see YouTube forvideo when you have a good dataconnection it seems to start videosprettyquick not gonna be Snappy this time Iguessand scrubbing works pretty quickmontos all of them are asking for thepublic andthen probably the least reliable app inand actually I don’t have um I don’thave Netflix or Disney Plus or anythinglike that to test I’m sure thosework uh WS in the GPSis not very reliable on here it seemslike it’s that slowness makes it umbuggy and freeze alot one of the uh cool things about thislittle computer though is it does havelike Bluetooth built in so I imagine youcould install a game on here and hook acontroller up or if you you know have itin your car and you get one of those OBDOBD2 Bluetooth dongles you could connectit to the Bluetooth on there and run theapps like torque to get uh carinformation on on thedisplay let’s see the other major app Iuse though is Plex this one seems to bethe leastreliable even though VLC froze twice onmeso Plex is set up to stream from my homecomputer and my home computer is on a 2gbit upload connection so that’sdefinitely not a bottleneckhere it seems to run with old moviesprettyeasily but I do see quite a bit ofErrors when I try to play videos let’ssee what it does hereokay that movie isworking let me try something newer herewe’ll do like a episodeWednesday here we go an erroroccurred what I can’t figure out is ifit’s like a certain bit rate I have tokeep it under or if it’s newer files areusing HC instead of or h.265 instead ofh.264 so they’re less reliable becauseofthat U just trying tofind just try a couple random things Ihaven’t ever tried to play on here andsee if they work[Music]so that works let me see what quality itpicked so it picked 720 kilobits persecond uh which seems to be its favoritequality tochoose it’ll be set on original butit’ll transcode it anyway to less than amegabit per second uh and the quality isyou know it’s watchable I guesssound quality is notbad uh I still I prefer VLC playerbecause you’re playing full quality anddoing itlocal how much of thescreen it feels dependent on the aspectratio of the movie it’s kind of coolhere that like a movie like trolls willalmost use the entirescreen um want tosay I don’t think any of the movies Ihave on here will take up the entirescreen I’m sure there’s a way to zoom intoobut if you want to go back to the carinfotainment system there’s a car appforthat can go back to Android auto uh thisdoes have apple carplay built in somehowlike I don’t have an Apple phone but itwas able to load an apple carplay EXPexperience and I don’t know if I can gettothat right now or not I don’t think Iremember the exact app tochoose I don’t see it here so I’m notquite sure maybe it wasautoit oh I don’t know okay anyway thewhole point here is just to show thatthe Box does work it dust is a littlebit clunky it’s kind of underpowered umit’s it’s a cool thing if you just wantto pop it into play video but I wouldn’tuse it full-time as an Android autoexperience so let me know what you thinkin the comments let me try one other apphere what’senter GPS evaluationappnope trying to just figure out realquick before I get rid of this whetheror notI just don’t remember how to get to itmaybe I deleted the app or something butAP no okay well let me know in thecomments if you have any questions aboutit that I might be able to answer andthank you for watching

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