I ordered the SSR 160TR Pit Bike from TBolt USA back in June of 2015. I mostly ordered it to mess around in my subdivision which is about a 3 mile loop and also take it down to a stream that runs nearby. There is about a mile of offroad riding to get there where there is long grass, wet areas and plenty of bumps. The bike does it well at slow speeds. To go fast, you would want larger tires. The suspension is very nice on this model with a lot of travel and it isnt too stiff to use.
When it arrived it was in a crate and didnt require a lot fo setup. I had to put the wheels and handlebar on. From there I went through removing everything I could access and adding Loctite and making sure pieces went back on tight.
The only modification I made right away was adding a quiet exhaust available on TBolt to avoid angry neighbors. I am sure this is sucking some power but it is worth it.
The 160cc engine has a lot of power for its size and is fun to shift quickly to get to a maximum speed of about 45mph.
6 Seasons later I haven’t had anything major go wrong. I had a crack develop in the fuel filter which was a $3 fix. I had the tires wear out from riding on pavement so much. That is all I can think of. I am still on the original chain, carb, shocks, etc.
A recent modification I made was replacing the CDI because the bike has always taken a lot of kicks to start. TBolt sells an EZ Start CDI and I have just installed that but it hasn’t been tested beyond garage starting in 20F weather. Its hard to tell if it helped yet when the temp is so low. Also recently done was swapping the air filter for a UNI filter. I am not expecting anything for performance there, but the old one was starting to get ratty looking even after cleaning.
Here is a quick ride video:

Here is a video of the SSR 160TR Pit Bike Idling:
Here is a longer test ride video where I open it up more when I hit the road: